Introduction to the Open Science Team Agreement

  • The Open Science Team Agreement gives researchers and other stakeholders the tools they need to understand and advocate for open science practices within their laboratory, department or the broader community.
  • Open Science Team Agreement are living, editable documents.
  • Librarians can use the Open Science Team Agreement to start conversations with their research groups and departments.

Working with Open Science Team Agreement

  • You access and edit the Team Agreement by visiting the Zenodo page, where you can find editable versions for Word, Google Doc, Overleaf, and plain text.
  • You can modify the highlighted yellow sections of the Team Agreement to suit your needs and delete any sections that are irrelevant to your domain. For example, you could list a subject specific repository where research outputs will be stored.

Designing your Outreach Plan

  • Generate a list of library champions (departments or individuals), lab groups, and open science groups. Solicit interest by sending an outreach message to them using the above template.
  • Reflect on the appropriate medium for your chosen audience. Decide if you will use the slides, handout, or another teaching aid to deliver your open science team agreements lesson.