Introduction to Qualitative Data
- Qualitative data can take many forms, but text or transcribed audio-visual data are among the most common
- Reusing existing qualitative data can help plan studies more efficiently and effectively
- Qualitative coding and data analysis tools are each compatible with different formats of data
- The Qualitative Data Repository is a source for vetted qualitative and mixed methods data
Setting up a Taguette Project
- Taguette’s interface has two main sections, a left pane for navigating, and a right pane for viewing
- Documents should be cleaned and anonymized, if needed, before adding to a Taguette project
- Consistent document naming conventions make projects easier to navigate
Best Practices for Qualitative Coding
- Qualitative code protocols are developed based on research goals and philosophies
- Inductive research focuses on discovering or exploring themes and often uses open or in vivo coding
- Deductive research focuses on testing hypotheses and typically applies a predefined coding scheme based on theory
- In Taguette, tags are labelled codes applied to highlighted excerpts of text
Qualitative Data Analysis
- Case analysis focuses on the unique situation of each person or group
- Theme analysis focuses on how the study population perceives or discusses themes or ideas
- Framework matrices are a formal method to combine case and theme analysis using a visual organizer
- Information on sentiment, degree, or quantity can also be encoded for qualitative analysis
Saving and Sharing Qualitative Data
- Archiving and sharing qualitative data can help you, your collaborators, and other researchers
- Taguette’s import and export options can help you share key components of your work
- There are many resources available to continue learning about qualitative research and finding, reusing and sharing qualitative data