High Level Plot Functions

Figure 1

With that, we have successfully created our first histogram by simply just specifying the data input. However, there are a few components of the plot to note:

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

In addition, if we want to create a side-by-side barplot instead of a stacked barplot, we simply set the optional argument beside = TRUE.

Figure 5

Low Level Plot Functions

Figure 1

The coordinate pairs can alternatively be specified using a a two-column matrix or data frame, a list with two components called x and y, or a formula y ~ x.

Figure 2

Figure 3

Notice: Even though lines() and points() are separate functions, the functionality of both are actually the same. The points() function can be used to add line segments by setting the optional argument type = "l". The lines() function can be used to add points by setting the optional argument type = "p".

Figure 4

Notice:The lines() function can also be used to add a smooth density curve over a relative frequency histogram (prob = TRUE). The density() function computes a kernel density estimate of the data, which can be visualized as a smooth curve superimposed over a histogram using the lines() function.

Figure 5